Regenerative Detoxification

Your Introduction to Regenerative Detoxification
Maintaining good health is simply a matter of cause & effect. When you provide the right. environment for your body, it will automatically respond. Then you WILL live a life in-ease.

Tracy Morgan

Welcome to I AM Healthy Co., the company that can guide you to true holistic health.

Congratulations on your first steps to improving your wellbeing. I will guide you to say goodbye to dis-ease from your body and for you to welcome health, love, happiness and abundance.

The Journey of one thousand miles begins with one step ~ Lao Tzu

The art of healing we practice through Regenerative Detoxification. The human body IS perfectly designed to heal itself when given the right environment. This is achieved through hydration, rejuvenation and the regeneration of cells & tissues.

I received a gift of awakening through my own personal experience with breast cancer. I knew instinctively that my healing needed to be guided by intuition and knowing, and I was drawn to study with Dr Morse ND. These studies gave me the way of Regenerative Detoxification that I have dedicated myself to heal and work with.

I have gained much through my own experience and I am now excited to share this knowledge. I want to tell you that YOUR immune system too is capable of doing the job it was designed to do. Simply fall in love with taking care of yourself, and your mind, body, and spirit will respond by hydrating, rejuvenating and rebuilding damaged cells and tissue – this is what we call Regenerative Detoxification.

Let me be your guiding light and beacon of hope and empower you to harness and regain control of your health today through a protocol of living foods and herbs tailored specifically for you.

The bottom line is, everything is an energetic experience. If you lower energy you lower consciousness and performance. At a certain point of that, cells WILL lose their functionality. A good example of this if you have a bad day; you can’t think, you can’t remember, adrenals are down and your energy is depleted and consequently your whole flow and being is affected.  

Energy is everything – what you put in is what you’ll get out!

Email today to book in for an individual program prepared for your healing.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading ~ Lao Tsu



Please fill in your details and I will get back to you or alternatively you can call directly on

My Qualifications

Under the distinguished Dr Robert Morse, N.D, D.Sc, M.H I studied at the International School of Detoxification achieving a Level 1 & Advanced Level 2 qualification in Advanced Regenerative Detoxification.

I AM Healthy Protocol

Your Tailored Consultation will include:

Initial One-On-One Consultation with detailed health questionnaire to be completed.

You will receive a herbal protocol personalised from information provided in your health questionnaire, comprehensive dietary, fasting and cleansing advice tailored to commence your journey back to vibrancy.

You will have emotional support and guidance throughout the protocol.

Consultation: Face-to-face, Phone or Zoom.

Energy is everything – what you put in is what you’ll get out!

Email today to book in for an individual program prepared for your healing.

raw salad

Case Studies

After so many years of abusing my body, my physical and mental health finally showed signs of declining.  I was constantly bloated and I started to feel numbness on my left arm and leg (thank goodness it wasn’t a stroke).  I was feeling lethargic and the mind fog impacted on my daily duties and work performance.
I had gone to a few medical appointments and had tests, but there was no plan to improve my overall health.
Tracy was so approachable and after our first consultation, I felt the first signs of hope.
Admittedly, seeing the program was a bit of a shock to the system, and I was nervous about my commitment.  However, I soon realized there was no reason to doubt my abilities and the program.

My reservation came from the old mentally of needing the quantity to satisfy my appetite, but this program is a reminder that the quality of the food we ingest is invaluable to our well-being. 
I lost 6kg over the course of the program, feeling healthier (mentally & Physically). Sleep was never the same as I was having the best sleep and waking up was a breeze. 

I felt good, and people noticed.  I received many compliments on my clear complexion and my energy level increased many folds.  I have a different relationship with food since concluding the detox.  I no longer feed myself absent-mindedly.

Simple natural food nourished me completely.  My mind, body and soul felt replenished. I am so grateful to Tracy for her guidance on my healing journey. With Gratitude.
Duy Ho

I sought I AM Healhy Co’s advice to help me clear a condition I have called Scleroderma which I’ve been told is an autoimmune disorder.

I have been guided by Tracy through this incredible detoxification protocol & learnt that whilst the medical profession has named my condition as Scleroderma, it is simply lymphatic stagnation and interstitial acidosis causing my condition and that it can easily be reversed.

The program has definitely changed the way I see things and the way I feed my body. After the program, my body has craved fruits and vegetables and no longer craves the complex carbohydrates it once did, and now I understand the necessity of a diet consisting of living foods to feed my cells energy.

It was amazing to see how quickly my inflammation disappeared and my movement improved whilst on the protocol. Experiencing the difference living food made to my body and my condition I found it interesting to observe how differently I started to look at food. What I eat now is a very conscious decision.

This experience has been a game changer for me. I will never go back to eating (what I actually thought was healthy eating) the way I once did and continue to see benefits as my body continues to detoxify.

The support I received from Tracy was amazing. She invested so much time in me and was patient and understanding..

Thank you so much Tracy

Susana Maiquez-Sly

You can run but you can’t hide.

CEO/Director of major sugar free company came to the realization that he had been living a lie as far as his health was concerned.

Saying good-bye to his father struck a deep chord within his sub-conscious being that he needed to take back control of his health otherwise was destined to the same slippery slide his father had experienced.

The cleanse started off well with our CEO feeling full of energy, his skin started to glow and he started to see the structure/function changes he was hoping for in his body as it started to detox and hydrate.

In theory committing to the program was easy, in reality not so. After a few strong and committed weeks, our CEO thought he would have a few cheeky cheats including French cheese, bread, meat and salty chips and quickly confronted with the realization that by doing this he had activated the unwanted fungal and parasite family leaving him awkwardly itchy, bloated and particularly gassy.

Having come to the conclusion that we really are what we eat, what you put in is what you get out. Life is simply cause & effect; you reap what you sow and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Since slip up 1 & 2, our CEO became No.1 student of I AM Healthy Co. Seeing the amazing results in his overall wellbeing he instigated the commitment to another 8week program.

CEO, Student No.1 is now a champion advocate of healthy living; attuned to a higher frequency, demeaner has significantly mellowed, has clear and precise clarity of thought and radiating health, he has more energy, is sleeping better, and in his words, even peeing better.

Vitality inside and out.


“Last year, only a few months after my seventeenth birthday, I began experiencing persistent, mystery neck and lower back pain, which took me out of my sport indefinitely.

After many scans, doctors appointments, and confusion, I was finally told that the suspected cause of the pain was a serious and rare medical condition that caused lesions on the spine, Wanting to tackle the issue from all angles, we eventually came across Dr. Morse’s book and subsequently, Tracy.

Tracy warmly welcomed my Dad and me into her home where she guided us through a comprehensive session, before sending us on our way with a detailed protocol for the coming months. She has continued to provide me with constant support and reassurance during this challenging time and has been nothing but a positive influence on my healing journey, for which I am grateful. ” Scarlett Campbell

Hi Tracy,

I had my 6-month scans and check-up appointment last week, and I just wanted to let you know that the scans came back all clear! 
This last year has been hard, but the challenges I faced have only made me stronger and I’m so grateful for the growth it helped bring. I’m so excited to get back into tennis and I’ve also been considering pursuing a degree in Naturopathy as well! 
Thank you for all your support on this journey.
All the best,
 So grateful for Tracy’s knowledge and expertise. Tracy had a genuine interest in getting to the bottom of my underlying issues and helping me understand every step of the way. Finally I am on the road to better health!
Thank you so much for all your support!

I desperately needed change in my life because I was experiencing a major decline in my health at the age of 46. This also started to affect my mental state which was negatively impacting my whole life and my family. 

I am a wife and mother of 2 children and for as long as I can remember, I suffered gut and skin issues that got worse overtime, then more serious health issues started to develop in my 40’s. I saw many different doctors and specialists and did so many fad diets and cleanses etc, but nothing ever worked because I never understood how the body worked. This was a crucial part of healing as I later learned.

After so many failed attempts, I started researching and learning about detoxing the body, which is exactly what I needed but I didn’t know where or how to begin. I knew I needed help and by God’s miracle, I came across detoxification specialist, Tracy Morgan and that’s how my healing journey began. 

Tracy gave me the knowledge I needed to understand my body and what was actually going on inside. This was crucial because I was able to process the significant changes in myself without fearing the symptoms, as it was all part of the healing process. 

Tracy gave me all the guidance I needed and I felt very supported throughout the whole journey. Of course I had moments of fear, doubt and worry but I was gently reassured and guided by Tracy’s calming nature and I was able to connect with her any time I was struggling.

My healing journey continues but I am feeling amazing, look amazing and I have so much more knowledge and confidence that keeps my energy at a high! The changes I have experienced are truly phenomenal and I am forever grateful that I found specialist guidance from Tracy, otherwise I would still be suffering in silence and feeling sorry for myself! 

Thank you Tracy…it took great effort to get going and make that commitment but once it was done there was no looking back! I pray that everyone finds someone like you to help detox their life, because once they understand what it really means to heal your body, it will be life changing! Thank you 🙏🏼

If you never want to go to the doctor or Hospital again…..Tracy is your girl!  Tracy has been a back bone of support and guidance through my healing process… healed of tonsillitis , better vision and removing the lump from my breast.  I am now loveing my vitality, health and vibration! Whatever your body needs to heal…go natural! Go Tracy!!! 

If you never want to go to the doctor or Hospital again…..Tracy is your girl!  Tracy has been a back bone of support and guidance through my healing process… healed of tonsillitis , better vision and removing the lump from my breast.  I am now loveing my vitality, health and vibration! Whatever your body needs to heal…go natural! Go Tracy!!! 


Robert Morse N.D., D.Sc., M.H.

Since 1973, Dr. Robert Morse has owned and operated Natural Health Facilities, including health food stores, naturopathic clinics and herb companies (including God’s Herbs, Nature’s Botanical
Pharmacy, and Dr. Morse’s Cellular Botanicals).

He currently owns and over sees operations at Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health club, located in Port Charlotte, FL.

Approaching 50 years of practice, his ground-breaking work and unparalleled tissue specific formulas have helped thousands overcome virtually any condition by understanding the true cause of what mainstream medicine labels “diseases.”

Through his journey on this planet, Robert Morse has channelled his awareness of natural healing by teaching and applying his knowledge in many areas, which resulted in the birth of a true healer with credentials, certifications and diplomas in areas including Naturopathy, Biochemistry, Iridology and Herbalism, to name a few.

Dr. Morse was the first to bring this world the truth and more: complete understanding of the incredible lymphatic system. Further, Dr. Morse introduced Lymphatic Iridology, giving practitioners a deeper understanding how the body truly works and how the iris exposes genetic weakness and lymphatic stagnation.

In 2000, Dr. Morse founded the International School of Detoxification (which is now being expanded into the International School of the Healing Arts and Sciences) and has since been teaching students around the world the simplicity of health, vitality and cellular regeneration.

Through Dr Morse’s teachings, I qualified as a Level 1 & Level 2 Regenerative Detoxification specialist and gained the confidence, courage and knowing that I could heal myself from breast cancer that I was diagnosed with in March 2021.

Following in Dr Morse’s footsteps, it is now time for me to serve others in the same way.

Articles of interest

“He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not

An Italian proverb that speaks the truth about health for many of us.

Health is our most precious gift in life and yet more than anything else, we can take our health for granted.

It is common knowledge that the liver is affected through alcohol consumption, but it’s probably fair to say that is where the common knowledge ends?

What is the role of your liver, and how can its health have a euphoric or catastrophic effect on your overall health?

Consuming large quantities of protein and dairy, excessive alcohol consumption, over eating, eating between meals, consuming large meals of an evening and daily stresses all play a role in the production of liver and gallstones = obstructions.

For your liver to do its job, it has to be free from obstructions. When not free from obstructions it produces liver and gallbladder stones. These stones contribute to the occurrence of almost every type of dis-ease.

Your liver is a vital organ that has hundreds of different functions connected to every part of your body, and direct control over the growth and functioning of every cell in the body.

Acting as a cleansing station, in activating hormones, alcohol and drugs, it is responsible for processing, converting, distributing and maintaining the body’s fuel supply.

Whether it is breaking down complex chemicals or synthesis, it is involved in manufacturing, processing and supplying a constant stream of nutrients & hormones to feed your 60-100 trillion cells every moment of the day. Each cell in itself, a microscopic city of immense complexity, with billions of chemical reactions per second.

Some (but far from all) of the likely signs you have stones include:

Hernia / Hepatitis / Pancreatitis / Depression / Prostate diseases / Menstrual and menopausal disorders / Skin disorders / Headaches and migraines / Sciatica / Knee problems / Chronic Fatigue / Insomnia / Hot and cold flushes / Flatulence / Impotence / Osteoporosis / Alzheimer’s / Asthma / Obesity / Canc..r / disorders of the reproductive system and many more.

Ridding yourself of liver and gallstones is an easy and powerful self-healing tool to improve and harness good health on a permeant basis and is done in the comfort of your own home.

If you would you like to harness vitality back into your life, call me at I AM Healthy Co. to make a consultation today.

So.. what does your body require to build muscle if it’s not protein?

Foods that have a high concentrate/complex structure of amino acids are called proteins. This includes flesh (muscles, organs & gland tissues etc), and to a lesser degree, nuts, beans and sometimes starches like grains.

Amino acids (not proteins) are what the body requires to build tissue. These amino acids group together in a specific sequence to become a useable protein, are nitrogen rich and have dominance on the acid side when broken down. When we consume proteins from animal flesh, nuts, beans, etc., the body must first break those proteins down into their respective amino acids. These separated amino acids are then grouped into the sequences our bodies need & can utilize.

Think of it like a string of children’s pop beads, with each individual bead representing an amino acid and the completed chain of beads a protein. When we eat a protein, the body must “pop apart” those beads. The necessary beads are then recombined in the order the body requires, and the unnecessary beads discarded.

This requires a lot of energy and is an initial acid hit to break these complex proteins back down through the peptide stages and finally into amino acids before your body can use them. This is why we call proteins, especially tissue proteins, second hand amino acids. Unlike fruits and vegetables, which are considered first hand superior amino acids.

It’s important to note that the body does not burn amino acids for energy. This would be like burning your cabin walls in your fireplace for fuel. Carbon (carbohydrates) and oxygen are used for energy. These foods are predominantly your fruits and vegetables. All foods have and are made up of amino acids. This gives them structure. However, these amino acids are simple and easy for your body to break apart and use.

There are only two sides to chemistry and most of society’s health issues fall predominantly on the acid side. You can substitute the word acidosis (the build-up of acids in tissue) for inflammation, pain, and destruction of the body. Proteins can be constipating and putrefactive causing toxemia, acidosis & body odour. Fruit and vegetables on the other hand clean the body and eliminate body odour. The old saying “you think your shit doesn’t stink!” in actual fact…. Is a thing when given the right environment.

Learning a little bit about what the food you consume is doing to your health and making informed decisions is vital to your health.

Remember, alkaline principles keep you hydrated and will electrify you with energy and the lower acid side will remove the electricity, burn and destroy your tissues i.e., protein.

SO what’s the answer? You want an amazing physique, right?!….

You can obtain an amazing physique without compromising your health through a plant-based diet! Don’t tune out. Stay with me and check out ‘Plant-based’ bodybuilders’ on Google for yourself.

Look at the phenomenal physique of Torre Washington professional fitness model, and competitive bodybuilder. Torre has been a vegan since 1998 but the fact is, his top tips for muscle-building and fat-burning have little to do with food at all. Torre maintains that sleep and rest are crucial for a strong, healthy body and mind.

Products like Muscles by nature by Dr Morse were created especially for Mr Olympian and Greens by Tyler Tolman, also put together for body builders who want to keep healthy whilst building muscle but with a higher level of amino acids.

The important note to take away from this article is that you can achieve the body you want whilst eating raw and more importantly maintain your health, a quiet mind and flexibility.

At the end of the day, without our health, we actually have nothing!

Bees are a key to our survival.

I was reading a Harvard study recently that stated, somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of all the food we eat depends on bee pollination, and that if these amazing insects disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would only have four years of life left.

No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man! They are the pollinators of nature & essential to all life.

Link to article

These amazing insects produce some of nature’s wonder drugs. We all know honey and most households have a jar in their pantry but have you heard of propolis, bee pollen, royal jelly and bee venom.  I would love to talk about all of them but that would make for a very long blog. It is however worth looking into if you’re interested. Here is a website with a lot of information

What I will talk about is honey.

Honey honey…We all know that honey is the primary food for bees and their survival.  

To get the most of your honey, try to source it locally from a bee keeper. This is so the pollen collected by the bee within the honey is that from the fauna within your own environment. When you consume the pollens that you live and breathe in your daily lives it will strengthen your own immune for your local environment. This is particularly prevalent when you suffer from hay-fever & immunity problems.  

The colour, as well as the flavour of honey, can differ depending on where the bees have sourced their nectar from? Different flowers have different minerals, and this will add components to their honey that will result in different consistencies and colours.

Honey is graded on clarity, flavour & aroma, absence of imperfections & water content.

Choice-grade honey is also referred to as natural or raw honey and is considered ‘choice-grade’ because of its multiple and nutritious benefits. Confusingly enough, choice-grade honey is not Grade A honey and is more often Grade B honey because it has less clarity than Grade A. It is Grade A honey that you’ll find in your local supermarket.

Pure Honey – Grade B

  • This is 100% pure honey, meaning there are no other substances mixed with the honey. No syrup, no sweeteners or additives.
  • Pure honey gets its taste 100% from the floral the bees have foraged and collected their nectar from.
  • A great way to test if your ‘pure’ honey is indeed pure is to put a small spoonful in a glass of water and see if it dissolves. If it does dissolve, like sugar would, then you know it’s not pure honey.

One of the most expensive honey’s in the world is Elvish Honey. At a whopping $6,800 per gram, this honey is known as “the true nectar of the gods.” Found at the north-eastern part of Turkey in a Saricayir valley cave. It has a thick consistency and a signature golden hue but most importantly, it has a rich mineral content and provides medicinal benefits.

Elvish honey is rich in antioxidants which reduces the risk of cancer, stroke and heart attack. Elvish honey is used to restore energy and enhance physical stamina.

Fun facts

Honey is the only natural product that does not have an expiry day. Archaeologists reportedly found 3,000-year-old honey while excavating tombs in Egypt that was still edible.

Honey is the only product that man has not been able to reproduce. You can gather all of the scientists on the planet but they cannot reproduce what that little yellow and black striped insect reproduces.

Incredible wouldn’t you say; you have to love nature!

Do you want to start a family?

Are you having trouble conceiving?

Are you considering IVF?

Do you know that you can heal yourself by preparing your body to conceive naturally?

My name is Tracy Morgan from I AM Healthy Co. I am an Advanced Regenerative Detoxification Specialist.

I want to talk about conception and what that really means for the body and why so many people find it difficult to fall pregnant.

If you’re serious about pregnancy, you want to spend some time getting your physical body healthy because your baby’s body IS a blue print of the parents’ genetics and the lymphatic system (sewer system/immune system) is that of the mother.

I am here with you to optimize your chances to conceive naturally and bring healthy babies into this world.

Through the art of detoxification, rehydration, and repair of damaged cells and tissues, I will guide you toward rejuvenation of your body ready for conception.

With strong genes and a healthy lymphatic system, mum and dad to-be will glow with health and baby will have the best possible start to life.

Most people neglect their health but simply don’t realise it. Their kidneys are not filtering properly and acids have agglomerated, inflamed and shut down the function of cells due to poor choices they have made and do not know how to remedy it.

The goal of the I AM Healthy Co. program is to turn on the structure, function of the human body both physically & mentally preparing it for conception just like taking your car in for a service. Your body also needs servicing to function optimally.

Through an extensive & detailed questionnaire I tailor an individual program to your needs. With this knowledge I provide mother, father or both to-be with an individual raw food and herbal protocol for the best chance to produce a healthy baby.

Through changing the patterns of eating, you change your bodies chemistry and in doing so give yourself the best chance of fulfilling your desires

for pregnancy.

If you’re serious about starting a family, preparation is everything.
Call me to discuss how the I AM Healthy Co program will guide you in preparation for pregnancy and the best start to life for your baby.

Contact me by return email or phoning me directly on 0408 556 266.

Are you embarrassed about unsightly cellulite that has ravaged your thighs now resembling the peel of an orange?

Did you know that your body has a secret language? This language tells us when something in our lives, whether it be our job, relationships, or our attitudes are not in balance and therefore our bodies and essentially our health are affected.  

Inna Segal’s book: The secret Language of your Body states that cellulite represents: “Feeling unbalanced, up & down. Belief that life is tough with many obstacles. Thinking that the older you get, the more challenges you have to face. Resisting life and putting issues on the back burner, rather than dealing with these now”.

From a physical perspective, acknowledging that there are only two sides to chemistry helps you to determine if you body is in an acidic or alkaline state.

If you are experiencing cellulite, you are dealing with toxins i.e. acidity.

Never fear, I AM Healthy is here.

Learn how to detoxify your body and allow the toxic waste accumulating in your thighs to be eliminated.

Start to regenerate your body. Call me today.

The Keto Diet is touted as a healthy way to suppress appetite and aid weight loss. However, I will share some facts as to why this diet may cause critical damage to your body and is far from optimum for your wellbeing.

The Keto way starves the body of carbohydrates, carbs, and replaces them with a high fat intake. Their theory is that the body utilizes the fat you eat as back-up fuel, and converts your body fat into ketones, an alternative fuel in the absence of carbohydrates.

Consuming foods such as Bulletproof coffees containing caffeine & butter, a high dairy intake, poultry, bacon & eggs and such will always end in PAIN & SUFFERING. Why do you ask?

Fact No.1: Your body is a giant chemical food processor and the chemistry you ingest, food, air & even your thoughts determine your resulting quality of health.

Remember, there are only two sides to chemistry – Alkaline (base) or Acid states.

Have you ever stopped to consider the design of the four vertebrae? We are clearly not an Omnivore (hog, bear, chicken or dog) or a Herbivore (rabbit, cow, sheep or horse…). Neither are we a Carnivore. Our body, teeth & bowels are nothing like a carnivore. CAUTION, when we eat animal tissue, putrefaction is guaranteed, because it will rot prior to elimination. This causes an acid/ash which will cause inflammation acidosis.

Fact No.2: The human species is actually a Frugivore and the human body gets its carbon from fruit!

Fact No.3:  What is carbon? It is the energy source of life, the King of the Periodic Table. We couldn’t breathe without carbon, your car won’t run without carbon and it is this very element needed to feed the body’s 100 trillion cells energy. The Keto diet eliminates the very element that is the energy source of life.

Good health is simple but we’re in a complex world that uses the mind to navigate, control and create. If you get too complex, you mess with creation and it will mess with you.

A lot of people think inflammation is the problem; it isn’t. inflammation is the terminology for the term of acidosis. Acidosis results from consumption of the wrong foods. The body’s giant lymphatic system floods the body and has to maintain a balanced pH throughout.

Fact No. 4 Following the Keto diet will cause all matter of inflammation conditions in the unsuspecting person believing they’re doing the right thing by their body.

KETOSIS is basically the same thing as acidosis. All acid/ash forming foods and particularly animal proteins & dairy produce and to a lesser degree nuts and seeds are inflammation/acid forming foods.

Remember, be kind to your body. It is a giant chemistry food processor that cannot handle imbalances in body chemistry. An imbalance will affect the body’s ability to digest, absorb, utilize & eliminate. This is when we run into trouble.

The healthiest way to lose weight is to choose carefully what you eat. Your body needs food from the earth.

If you want to find out how to gain good health, I can guide you. Make contact today.